How To Build A Side Hustle While Holding On To Your Day Job

How To Build A Side Hustle While Holding On To Your Day Job

Let’s be real for a minute – in today’s Nigeria, depending on just one source of income is like putting all your eggs in one basket and hoping for the best. With the way prices are skyrocketing and the economy doing its usual unpredictable dance, many of us are scratching our heads, thinking, “How can I make extra money without losing my mind?”


Well, my friend, that’s where the beauty of a side hustle comes in. But I know what you’re thinking: “How on earth am I supposed to start a side business when I’m already working my fingers to the bone at my 9-to-5?” Don’t stress! I’ve got your back. Let’s break down how you can build that extra income stream without having to say goodbye to your day job.

1. Identify Your Skills and Passions


First things first, let’s do a little self-discovery. What are you good at? And I mean really good at – the kind of stuff that makes your colleagues go, “Wow, how did you do that?” Maybe you’re a wizard with Excel spreadsheets, or perhaps you can whip up a mean jollof rice that would make your grandma proud. The trick is to find something that not only showcases your skills but also gets you excited.


Think about it – if your side hustle feels like another tedious job, you’ll burn out faster than a candle in a windstorm. But if it’s something you genuinely enjoy, you’ll be amazed at how much energy you suddenly have after your regular workday. So, whether it’s graphic design, baking, teaching a language, or even dog-walking, find that sweet spot where your skills meet your passions.


2. Research the Market


Now, before you rush off to print business cards, let’s pump the brakes and do some detective work. Is there actually a demand for what you’re planning to offer? Who are the people that might need your services or products? And equally important, who else is already doing something similar?


This isn’t about copying others, mind you. It’s about understanding the landscape so you can find your unique angle. Maybe everyone’s selling cupcakes, but no one’s doing sugar-free options. Boom! There’s your niche.


Use social media to your advantage here. Join Facebook groups related to your potential side hustle. Lurk on Twitter to see what people are complaining about in your field – those complaints are opportunities in disguise! And don’t be shy to ask your friends and family for their honest opinions. Sometimes, the best market research happens over a plate of suya and a cold drink.


3. Start Small and Scale Gradually


Okay, I see that glint in your eye. You’re excited and ready to go all in. But hold your horses! Remember, this is a side hustle, not a hostile takeover of your life. The beauty of this approach is that you can start as small as you want and grow at your own pace.


Maybe you start by offering your services to just one or two clients. Or if you’re selling products, begin with a limited range. This allows you to test the waters without drowning in commitments. As you gain more confidence (and clients), you can slowly increase your offerings.


Think of it like planting a seed. You don’t expect a full-grown tree overnight, do you? Nurture your side hustle bit by bit, and before you know it, you’ll have a thriving business on your hands.


4. Manage Your Time Wisely


Now, this is where the rubber meets the road. Balancing a side hustle with a full-time job is like trying to juggle eggs – one wrong move and you’ve got a mess on your hands. But don’t worry, it’s doable with some smart planning.


First off, be realistic about your available time. If you’re working a 9-to-5, maybe you can dedicate 7-9 pm to your side hustle on weekdays, and a few hours on weekends. The key is consistency. It’s better to work on your side gig for one hour every day than to burn yourself out with an 8-hour marathon once a week.


Use tools to your advantage. Google Calendar can be your best friend here. Color-code your activities – blue for your day job tasks, green for your side hustle, red for family time, etc. This visual representation can help you see at a glance if you’re maintaining a healthy balance.

And here’s a pro tip: use your commute time wisely. 


If you’re stuck in Lagos traffic for hours (and let’s face it, who isn’t?), use that time to brainstorm ideas, listen to relevant podcasts, or even make business calls if you’re hands-free.


5. Leverage Technology


Listen, in this digital age, if you’re not leveraging technology for your side hustle, you’re leaving money on the table. And we both know that in this economy, every kobo counts!


Social media isn’t just for posting your latest selfie or arguing about politics. It’s a powerful marketing tool that’s essentially free. Create a Facebook page for your business. Use Instagram to showcase your products or services visually. If you’re offering professional services, LinkedIn can be a goldmine for finding clients.


E-commerce platforms like Jumia or Konga can be great if you’re selling physical products. They handle a lot of the logistics, allowing you to focus on creating and sourcing your products.

For service-based side hustles, consider platforms like Fiverr or Upwork. These global freelancing sites can connect you with clients from all over the world. Imagine earning in dollars while working from your bedroom in Surulere!


And don’t forget about productivity apps. Trello can help you manage your tasks and projects. Canva can turn you into a graphic design pro overnight (well, almost). And apps like Grammarly can ensure your business communications are always on point.


6. Network and Collaborate


Now, I know what some of you are thinking: “Networking? Isn’t that just for corporate big shots?” Nope! Networking is for everyone, and it can be a game-changer for your side hustle.

Start small. 


Tell your friends and family about your new venture. You’d be surprised how many of them might need your services or know someone who does. Word of mouth is still one of the most powerful marketing tools, especially in Nigeria where we love to gist!


Attend local events related to your field. Yes, I know after a long day at work, the last thing you want to do is go to a business mixer. But trust me, the connections you make can be worth their weight in gold.


Don’t limit yourself to physical networking. Join online communities related to your side hustle. Facebook groups, LinkedIn groups, even WhatsApp groups can be fantastic places to meet like-minded individuals, share experiences, and even find potential clients or collaborators.

And speaking of collaboration, don’t see everyone in your field as competition. 


Sometimes, teaming up with someone offering complimentary services can help both of you grow faster. For example, if you’re a makeup artist, partnering with a photographer for wedding packages could be a win-win.


7. Keep Your Finances Separate


This might sound obvious, but you’d be surprised how many people mix their personal and business finances. Don’t fall into this trap! It’s a recipe for confusion, tax headaches, and potential legal issues down the line.


Open a separate bank account for your side hustle. It doesn’t have to be a fancy business account (although that’s great if you can). Even a basic savings account will do to start. This separation helps you clearly see how your side business is performing financially.


Keep meticulous records of all your income and expenses related to your side hustle. Trust me, your future self will thank you when it’s time to file taxes. There are plenty of free or low-cost accounting apps designed for small businesses and side hustles. Find one that works for you and use it religiously.


8. Be Transparent with Your Employer


Now, this is a tricky one. The last thing you want is for your boss to think you’re not committed to your day job. But in most cases, being upfront about your side hustle is the best policy.

First, check your employment contract. Some companies have clauses about outside work or conflicts of interest. If your side hustle doesn’t violate any of these, consider having a conversation with your boss.


Approach it positively. Explain how your side hustle is helping you develop skills that could benefit your day job too. Assure them that it won’t interfere with your work performance. Who knows? Your boss might even become your first client!


9. Continuously Learn and Improve


In the immortal words of one of our favorite musicians, “Nobody holy pass.” The same goes for business – there’s always room for improvement.

Stay curious. Keep learning about your field. Subscribe to relevant blogs, watch YouTube tutorials, take online courses. Many of these resources are free or low-cost, and the knowledge you gain can be priceless.


Pay attention to feedback from your clients or customers. They’re the best source of information on how you can improve your products or services. And don’t be discouraged by criticism – see it as free advice on how to get better.


10. Don’t Neglect Self-Care


Last but definitely not least, take care of yourself, my friend. It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle (side or otherwise) and forget about your wellbeing. But remember, you’re the most important asset in your business.


Make sure you’re getting enough sleep. Eat well – and I don’t mean just surviving on coffee and quick bites from the corner store. Find time to exercise, even if it’s just a brisk walk around your estate in the evening.

And don’t forget to relax and have fun too. All work and no play not only makes Jack a dull boy but also leads to burnout faster than you can say “side hustle.”


Starting a side hustle while keeping your day job is no small feat. It requires dedication, smart planning, and a good dose of patience. But with the right approach, it’s absolutely doable. Who knows? That small side gig you start today could become your full-time passion and primary source of income tomorrow.


So, are you ready to take that first step towards financial freedom? Remember, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Your future self is rooting for you to start today. Go on, make that naira!